
Juliette is sick.
Not well.
At all.

And Juliette starts school THIS THURSDAY.
Juliette hopes shes better by then.




Back from "Jew Camp"(:
I had a great time.
Made a lot of new friends.
I love them all.
But now I'm back and happy.



For two weeks.
I'm going to Jew camp.
Leaving on Wednesday.
And I can't garentee any blog posts until then.
And when camp starts I can garentee NO blogposts.
So, i'll try my hardest to blog until wednesday.
And then see you in 2 weeks<3


I want new friends!

Yes. Hai.
I want new friends.
All my old ones are mean.
And they don't care.
I want friends who act like friends.
I want friends who don't do unfriendly things and then act like nothings wrong.
Yes. That would be nice.


An epiphany

I don't need anyone to make it in life.
I'm doing fine all on my own.
Friends? They aren't really your entire life.
Just a part of it.
Family is forever.
Sometimes friends can be like family.
Not exactly family,
But those are the only people worth trying for.
Everyone else is just there.
People come and go, faces pass us,
and all we can do is suck it up and movie on.
And, I can.

Today-cousins from montana are coming over:D Then im going to a Jobros concert.xD



Missed a post again!!
Oh well.

I was at Haylee's house yesterday.
And a little before that, I was at this fair that I havent been to for 2 years.
REALLY fun day.

And today, I've been with sara.
And we're going to see the proposal in an hour.


Really fun day(:

Went to the Janns.
With Jeremy, Eastons, Amy, Stefan, and Colin(sp?).
It was pretty fun.
Went on the roof and found string cheese.
And went into toys r us. Cuz we're cool cats.
Then I went to Diana's house. We had alotta fun.
Even though she thinks I was bored. Lol.
I wasn't!! I shhhwear.
We took some hardcore&legit pictures.
And hung out in her park outside her house.
Jammmm times. :)


Mood: Paranoid?

I'm becoming more and more paranoid that I'm going to lose all my friends.
And since it's already happened recently, it's even worse.
I get this feeling that people act like they like me when they don't.
I'm really hoping it's just my imagination.
Because sometime or another I'm going to have to find out.


Yesterday we ended up not going to the beach.
But thats ok because it was fun anyways.
Anddd we watched the 6th sense.
Today, we went to the beach.
It was cold but still worth going in the water.
I feel lame because it's summer and i've only been to the beach twice.


Sorry for missing a post

I know it's like 1:50 in the morning.
But I've been busy all day so I never got a chance to post yesterday.
So, I'll do one for yesterday and today.

Yesterday, I went to Katerinas house.
We were having a swim/dinner/happy birthday thing.
Everyone had a birthday since labor day besides Liv.
Fun day!

Today, I'm up late with Olivia.
Tomorrow we're going the beach.
So we better rest up, or we'll be dead.
I also have a very uncomfortable itch.
In a very uncomfortable place. lol.